Meeting Minutes


September 8, 2021

(held at  City Hall)

  1. Invocation: given by April Reed
  2. Roll Call: (those present and those via zoom)…Executive board members: Kelly Lunsford, April Reed, Ericca Arthur, Maggie Rzechuela; Board Members: Landon Bremer, Lisa Davis, Lisa Gower, Tom Griffith, Karla Ogle, Josh Reagor, Kathy Rushing, Mary Smith, Clyde Wills; Ex-Officios: Jeremy Holley, Hailey Miles, Mikle Stanle
  • President’s Report:
  1. Overview of Member Discount Program: there was discussion regarding the differences between business membership and associate membership. Some clarification is needed to determine who would qualify as an associate member. This discussion was tabled until the Membership and By-laws committees can meet to make recommendations.
  2. Election of Executive Board members and Board members nominations were reviewed, with some new nominations from the floor. Nominations will be finalized with ballots to be mailed or emailed on Monday, September 13, 2021. Those nominated for Board of Directors are: Landon Bremer, Lisa Davis, Lisa Gower, Tiffany Korte, Monica Obermark, Karla Ogle, Kathy Rushing, Morgan Siebert, Mary Smith and, Mikle Stanle. Nominated for officers are: Kelly Lunsford, President, Ericca Arthur, 1st Vice President, Lisa Davis, 2nd Vice President, and Kathy Rushing, Treasurer
  3. There was discussion regarding our current Chamber of Commerce website needing updates and about re-instating the Chamber newsletter.
  4. Financials: the financial report was reviewed. There was discussion of the current POS system and possible upgrades and/or a new system. Superman Celebration funding was discussed with the decision to table the discussion until the October, 2021 meeting when there will be more information. Also discussed was completing a current inventory.  A motion to accept the Financial Report was given by Kathy Rushing, with a second from Ericca Arthur. Motion passed.
  5. Committee Reports:
  6. By-Laws: no report
  7. Finance: tabled for October, 2021 meeting
  8. Membership and Ambassadors: this committee has recently met and shared with the group that there are two ribbon cutting ceremonies scheduled for Monday, Sept. 13.

The first is at 8:45 for Born Again Nutrition and at 8:45 for Misfits. The Fall Mix & Mingle event will be held October 26, 2021 at the Chamber of Commerce Office.

  1. Retail and Services: Errica Arthur provided information regarding the Autumn Artisan and Plein Air Festival on Market Street to be held Saturday, Oct. 23 from 10 am to 7 pm. She is currently working toward securing vendors for arts and crafts, food, for artisan demonstrations, for entertainment, and for individual artists to participate in live drawing/painting that will be judged later in the day. There was discussion regarding the Chamber of Commerce having a tent for food sales.
  2. Souvenirs: no report
  3. Special Events and Fundraising: no report
  4. Superman Celebration: this 2021 Celebration financials were discussed. The committee is working on the 2022 Superman Celebration.
  5. Superman Statue: the brick campaign continues with the hope that we will have more brick applications during the holiday season. The slant wall has been finished and we will need volunteers to help “re-ink” the older bricks
  6. Old Business:
  7. Old copier: we are looking for the nearest recycling business that will take electronics.
  8. Fall Clean-Up: We need volunteers for cleaning of back rooms and fundraising sales area. No date has yet been set.
  • Comments and Announcements:
  1. President Kelly Lunsford informed the group that former business member, Will  Nichols passed away. Members present decided to make individual financial donations to his wife, Lori Nichols. Donations may be brought to the Chamber office.
  • Adjournment: A motion was made by Josh Reagor and seconded by Clyde Wills to adjourn. Motion passed.


Submitted by Laura Sielbeck, Chamber of Commerce administrative assistant